Thursday 12 July 2012


Hi, I am Dick Miles. I have been singing and playing
music since I was 13. My special love and interest
is traditional music and the concertina. I lived for
many years in Suffolk, East Anglia and some of
my favorite songs are based on the superb tra-
ditional tales of this region. Now, I am living in
the South-West of Ireland and am incorporating,
more and more, the local traditional music style
into my own.

For over thirty years I have been singing at
maritime festivals, including Merseyside
and Lancaster, folk festivals and clubs
all over the British and Irish Islands.
I have written two concertina tutors,
one of which is on song accom-
paniment. I have recorded 3
CDs, one with Tim Laycock,
John Kirkpatrick, and Harry
Scurfield and was a founder
member (from 1984 to 1988)
of the "New Mexborough
English Concertina Quartet".

In more recent years I have
turned my hand to song-
writing, particuarly
songs of the sea,
such as: "The Sailors Dream",
which happens to be the title of my new songbook.

If you are interested, I have selected three sample
tracks, each for one of my CDs, for you to listen to
and I hope my music gives you pleasure and lots of joy.

"The Banks of Claudy" - CD: "Concertinas and ... " (2007)

"Cape Clear" - CD: "Nautical and ... " (2003)

"Just as the tide was flowing" - CD: "BOXING CLEVER (2003)"